I write about movements for social and political change, immigration and labor, criminal justice and the First Amendment, the media and corporations. Sometimes, I just write about living in Brooklyn and raising two kids. I’ve reported from Mexico and Spain, the U.S. Southwest, and in more recent years from New York City, writing for Bloomberg News, the Chicago Tribune, the Associated Press and TheStreet.
My first newspaper job was with the Register Citizen of Torrington, Conn. where I covered public education, an especially good beat. I left for Mexico City in the late-1980s to write about a country struggling to come to terms with decades of autocracy, racism and corruption, reporting from all over Mexico for the Associated Press, the Arizona Daily Star, The Christian Science Monitor and assorted newspapers in Texas and Arizona.
After a short stint in Houston Texas, I moved to Madrid to work for the AP just as Europe was negotiating the creation of a union for economic and political integration, and Spain was engulfed in a series of crises that tested its return to democracy. Moving to New York, I wrote for an assortment of newspapers, magazines and wire services.
Many of my stories from the 1980s and 1990s haven’t found their way onto the Internet but I do have the hard copies in a bunch of boxes in my basement. You’re welcome to come over anytime to look through them.
Twitter: @leonlazaroff
The nitty-gritty career details can be found at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leonlazaroff/
Comments, questions or complaints can be sent to: lslazaroff@gmail.com