Juan Carlos Padilla lives in an apartment building with crumbling walls, exposed electricalRead More

Juan Carlos Padilla lives in an apartment building with crumbling walls, exposed electricalRead More
Ceuta is an enclave tucked between Morocco and the Strait of Gibraltar.
Some 370 former members of the Lincoln Brigade recalled their bittersweet fight to defeat fascism.
The 29-year-old accountant was found handcuffed and shot Saturday afternoon in a wooded area near the Basque city of San Sebastian.
Col. Juan Alberto Perote ran the clandestine operations section of the government’s spy agency in the mid-1980s.
Shepherds herded sheep through downtown Madrid to draw attention to efforts to safeguard the country’s historic livestock byways.
Floods ripped through the Virgen de Las Nieves camp site near the town of Biescas, Spain, 15 miles from the French border.
Wolfgang Koszics was detained as he drove near the southeastern Spanish city of Murcia on Sunday.