Category: U.S. Politics

Trump’s Portland Clampdown Exposes Republican Hypocrisy on ‘State’s Rights’
The libertarian party embraces the heavy hand of federal intervention.

Trump’s Juneteenth Tulsa Trip Smacks of Reagan’s 1980 Campaign Visit to Rural Mississippi
The Republican president embraces his predecessor’s race-baiting legacy.

How the Koch Brothers’ ‘Libre Initiative’ Entices Latino Voters
The ‘Libre Initiative’ is one of the Kochs’ many political action groups dedicated to advancing “economic freedom.”

Will Republican Plans to Lower the Corporate Tax Rate Bring Billions Back to the U.S.?
U.S. companies would supposedly repatriate billions of dollars back into the country, boosting the national economy.

Is Ted Cruz Right that Immigration Drives Down Wages?
Studies from conservative and liberal think tanks say immigration’s effect on wages tends to be very small, and on average, modestly positive.

Where the #NeverTrump Campaign Went Wrong
Advertisements from conservatives opposing Trump may hurt the Republican presidential candidate’s ego but they have yet to sway voters.

AFL-CIO, Wary of Koch Money, Presses Tribune Not to Sell its Newspapers
The labor federation warns Tribune against selling the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times to the Koch brothers.

Trump May Hate ‘The Media’ but Newspaper Stocks Are Soaring
Trump’s attacks on reporters is fueling growth in newspaper subscriptions.

The Media’s Obsession With the Media’s Obsession With Donald Trump
News coverage about Trump includes considerable navel gazing.

Hillary: Immigration Reform Could Add ‘Hundreds of Billions of Dollars’ to U.S. Economy
Clinton makes the economic case for immigration reform that allows some undocumented immigrants to remain in the country.

If Hillary Is Elected President, Here’s What Happens to the Economy
Clinton says she can find middle ground between corporate and consumer interests. Bernie Sanders isn’t so sure.

Trump, Cruz and Sanders: Tax Plans Tell the Story
It’s not a sexy topic, but tax reform gets to the heart of the ideological divide between the presidential candidates.

Bernie Sanders Cries ‘Foul’
Saturday’s candidate debate looked to be a sleepy affair until Sanders accused the DNC of favoring the frontrunner, Hillary Clinton.

Sinclair Broadcasting Accused of Dodging FCC Rules
Sinclair widely airs partisan film attacking John Kerry, the Democratic presidential candidate.

Putin’s Rise in ‘The Man Without a Face’
By LEON LAZAROFF. Bloomberg NewsMarch 21, 2012 1:30 PMPRINT SHARETHE MAN WITHOUT ARead More

New York City on High Alert for 2004 Republican Convention
The NYPD is out in force amid alleged threats of terrorism protest violence.

N.Y. Times’ Self-Criticism Turns Eyes to Media’s Role in Launching Iraq War
The Times said it failed to sufficiently scrutinize the Bush administration’s assertions about Iraq’s “weapons of mass destruction.”

U.S. Terrorism Crackdown Snags Visiting Journalists
Confused by tougher enforcement procedures, an increasing number of foreign journalists traveling fromRead More

Support Grows for Broad Compromise on Immigration Reform
Immigration and labor groups push President Bush to pass sweeping reforms. Eliseo MedinaRead More